OLD Terms & Conditions
About the Company
In accordance with “Ley 34/2002, de 11 de Julio, de services de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico”, we inform you of our company details: AHIMAS EUROPA NETWORK S.L. with NIF B87985990 and address: Avenida de Bruselas 38, 28108 Alcobendas (Madrid).About the Website
We reserve the right to modify our website at any moment and without notice, changes or updates of information contained on their website or in the configuration and presentation of this. We do not guarantee the absence of errors in accessing the website, in its contents, or updating of this.Our website uses cookie to offer you a better service. If you continue to browse, we consider that you accept the use.
Liability and Data Protection
AEN are not obliged to respond in any way for the damage or loss caused to the customer or third parties or the loss of income that comes from errors, defects or interruptions of service, caused by the customer or for reasons that our out of the control of AEN.AEN will respond in the cases of interruption of service, not attributable to the customer, returning to the customer the apportionment of the services that could not be enjoyed at that time. The periods have to be justified by the customer on the system. No claims will be processed if there are not incidences reported by the customer and AEN was not knowledgeable of it by other means.
If AEN believes that a customer is using the service against the integrity of the Network and degrading it, AEN can use any method to continue their duty of preservation. It is completely forbidden to manipulate the equipment supplied;in which case the customer will be penalized.
The customer will not be able to transfer or assign their contractual position with AEN to third parties, without the consent or written approval of AEN.
AEN can transfer the service to third parties, and the customer will be informed.
The customer authorises AEN to use all necessary data in the process of preassignment and activation of all telephone numbers, maintained with the provider in accordance with the “Ley Orgánica 15/1999 de 13 de December, de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal”. AEN will keep in private and confidentially all data and can also have access to them.
We collect and use personal data only as it might be needed for us to deliver to you our latest offers, products, and services.
We collect information so that we can provide the best possible experience when you utilise our Services. Much of what you likely consider personal data is collected directly from you when you:– Create an account or purchase any of our Services (eg: billing information, including name, address, credit card number);– Request assistance from our customer support team (eg: phone number);– Complete contact forms or request newsletters or other information from us (eg: email); or– Participate in contests and surveys, apply for a job, or otherwise participate in activities we promote that might require information about you.
We strongly believe in both minimising the data we collect and limiting its use and purpose to only that (1) for which we have been given permission, (2) as necessary to deliver the Services you purchase or interact with, or (3) as we might be required or permitted for legal compliance or other lawful purposes.
Payment methods
Valid payment methods are: Direct Debit or charging credit/debit card. On the monthly invoice, all the services are prepaid, with the exception of call charges which are post-paidNon payments
Any delay or lack of payment for services may lead to suspension of services until payment occurs. AEN will contact the customer is there are any problems with payment, so that the customer can rectify and make payment of the invoice. AEN will take all necessary steps in order to recover the amounts due.AEN requests payment of invoices due and the costs incurred by the non-payment of the customer.
The customer has to cancel the service in writing.– The period for notifying any cancellation of service, will be between the 1st and 15th of each month. All the cancellations are processed on the 15th. Any cancellation notified after the 15th day of the month, will be processed the following month, the customer will be billed until the end of that month. Cancellation charges and any amount due to date; will be paid by the customer via debit or credit card.
– All Fibre Optic contracts are on a 12 month term. Any cancellations before the term will result in a termination fee.
– All ADSL contracts are on a 12 month term. Any cancellations before the term has ended will result in a termination fee.
– All TV contracts are on a 6 month term. Any cancellations before the term has ended will result in a termination fee.
-All MOBILE PHONE contracts do not have a monthly term.
– A cancellation request MUST be sent by email and received by the 15th of the month to prevent a bill being generated for the following month.
-Request for cancellation received on the 12th of July, is billed until the 31st of July.
-Request for cancellation received on the 21st of July, will be processed on the 15th of August, and billed until the end of August.
- The customer has a 30 day deadline from the date of the invoice to express dissatisfaction about any charges. An incidence will be opened in the form of a ticket and it will be looked into to see if there is any credit due.
- After the 30 days have passed after the invoice date, no credit will be issued. The customer is required to look over their invoice in that period of time.
- No credits will be raised for post & packaging charges, or return postage, this will be paid by the customer.
- No credits will be raised for bank return charges, the customer will have to accept them.
- No credits will be raised for loss of service due to the customer.
- No credits will be raised for equipment (STB, USB Dongle, etc.).
- No credits will be raised for administration fees (New Fibre Optic, ADSL, New Line Rental, New Mobile Service, etc.)
- All equipment is preconfigured by AE. No installation is necessary on the customer’s behalf, only to plug in.
- If the customer has a Smart TV or our TV decoder, it is recommended to use a wireless USB if the router is too far away from the TV.
- All equipment will be shipped or delivered to the customer once they have been paid for.
- The equipment and Post & Packaging have to be paid for preparing the delivery.
- Once the delivery is prepared, a text message will be sent to the customer’s mobile phone with the tracking number so that they can track the shipment.
- The shipments take between 4-5 days in the Peninsula, for the Canaries and other destinations in Europe; the shipments may be delayed a few days.
- On the 1st of each month, the services are prepaid, of the exception of call charges which are post-paid.
- The invoices are sent to the bank from 1€. If there is an invoice for less than 1€, it will be added on to the next invoice.
- The customer has access to view their billing, consumption, etc. from our website.
- The new services started that month, will be prorated.
- Any complaints over invoices or payments can be made only for 30 days counted from when the complaint happened. To manage the complaint of the customer, it is necessary that they contact us via email at the address billing@europa-network.com which will be treated with priority.
General complaints
- The customer will contact the relevant department for managing the problem, if after the steps taken by the departments, they have not been able to give them a solution or, if they think they need to claim, they will need to contact customerservice@europa-network.com
- In case of conflict, both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid.
- A new landline number will be issued once the installation has been completed.
- Fibre Optic & ADSL is prepaid.
- The speed that the business offers you over the phone is not 100% guaranteed given that it depends on the availability of the line. We offer the speed according to confirmation from Movistar, depending on the area.
- If you could not register with the contracted speed, the customer will be informed and will decide if they want to go ahead with an inferior speed or cancel.
- The wireless router will be shipped once the service is contracted to assure that in the moment of activation, the customer can begin to use the service. AE is not responsible for occasional loss of service if the causes are attributable to the customer.
- Special offers are not cumulative. They are only valid for new customers, once the special offer has ended, the normal price of the service will be applied.
- There are two channel packages: Free & Premium. Depending on the availability of the channels, the customer will have to consult with the business which channels are included in each package and the price of Premium.
- The monthly Catch Up service has to be paid, unless the current offer deems otherwise in the moment of the sign up.
- The Set Top Box does not include an Ethernet cable.
- Special offers are not cumulative. They are only valid for new customers, once the special offer has ended, the normal price of the service will be applied.
Fixed calls
- All calls made from Spain to free numbers to other countries are billed. The only calls which are free are calls made to free numbers of Spain, for example 900 numbers (remember 901, 902, … are not free numbers).
Line Rental
- The customer, who wants to enjoy their line rental with AE, will have to send the contact address from their latest Movistar bill.
- The activation of the line rental has a processing charge which the customer has to pay to AE and will be informed when the service is contracted.
- The line rental with AE includes free access to the Voicemail function.
- AE is not responsible for occasional loss of service if the causes are attributable to the customer.
- For the activation of the mobile service, the customer will have to sign all the necessary documents and provide a copy of their identity document (NIE, Passport, DNI).
- On receipt of the correct documentation and notification that the sim has been received, the portability of your existing mobile number will commence. This will be active within 48 hours, provided they are working days. Alternatively a new number can be activated upon request.
- To use the mobile service, the customer will have to have an unlocked phone for Spanish telecommunications operators.
- AE is not responsible for occasional loss of service if the causes are attributable to the customer.
- Voicemail service dial 242.
- Customer Service contact number is: +34 965 796 736
- The packages that we offer are on a rolling monthly contract. There is no requirement to top up as the allowances are refreshed on the 1st of each month.
These particular conditions shall govern the relationship between the customer and SPOTTING BRANDS TECHNOLOGIES SL (hereinafter “Europa Network”), with C.I.F. B86779584 and address in Alcobendas (Madrid), Avda. de Bruselas, 38 (28108), in all matters relating to the roaming provision (“Roaming”) of the mobile electronic communications services that the customer has contracted with Europa Network (“Service”), in accordance with the Roaming Regulation of the European Union The reading of these particular conditions by the customer is a necessary condition prior to the provision of the roaming services, and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in these particular conditions, which are published on the Europa Network website These particular conditions supplement the general conditions governing the provision of the Service.
The provision of the Roaming Service allows the mobile electronic communications services contracted by the customer to be used when the customer travels abroad, once the service is active, and provided that the service is available depending on the country visited. International calls and messages (from Spain to any other country) are excluded from these conditions.
The Roaming Service is automatically activated upon registration for the Europa Network Services. However, the service can be activated/deactivated at the customer’s request at any time by contacting our Customer Services.
The price of the service will depend on the country where you are located:
3.1. ZONE 1 OR EU ZONE: EU AND EEA ROAMING (*): From 15 June 2017, traffic within Zone 1 or EU Zone will be charged according to the conditions of your national tariff and there will be no surcharge for using your mobile in any EU and EEA country (*).
– Calls: voice traffic made while Roaming will be billed at the price per minute and call set-up charge of the tariff that each customer has contracted for national traffic. In the case of a tariff with a voice franchise, the traffic made while roaming will be counted within the franchise contracted; once the franchise is exhausted, the same conditions as your national tariff will apply. Calls received by the customer will not be charged and will not count towards the national voice franchise. Likewise, the person calling from Spain to the Roaming line will pay the price of a national call according to the conditions of their tariff.
– Messages: the traffic of messages sent while roaming will be billed at the price of the message indicated in the national tariff that each customer has contracted. In the case of a tariff with a franchise, messages sent while roaming will count within the franchise contracted; once the franchise is exhausted, the same conditions as your national tariff will apply.
Once this allowance has been used up, the same conditions as your national tariff will apply. SMS messages received while abroad will not be charged and will not count towards the SMS franchise contracted.
-Data: Roaming data traffic will be billed at the price per Gb of the tariff that each customer has contracted for national traffic. In the case of a tariff with a data franchise, Roaming traffic will be counted within the data franchise contracted. Once the franchise has been exceeded, the same conditions will apply as for national data traffic: pay-per-use at maximum speed, speed reduction or use of services that extend the contract franchise.
(*) European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Hungary, Ireland, Martinique, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal (Madeira and Azores), Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, United Kingdom, Spain – only for destination zone purposes-.
– Calls: Voice traffic made while roaming will be billed at the applicable roaming rate in the country concerned. Both calls made by the user and calls received will be charged. The person calling from Spain to the Roaming line will pay the price of a national call according to the conditions of his tariff.
– Messages: SMS traffic while roaming will be billed at the applicable roaming tariff in the corresponding country. SMS received while abroad will be free of charge for the customer.
– Data: Data traffic while roaming will be billed at the applicable roaming rate in the corresponding country. You can find all Europa Network Roaming tariffs at
From 15 June 2017, traffic within Zone 1 or EU Zone will be charged according to the national tariff conditions of the roaming customer who habitually resides in Spain or has stable links with Spain, involving a frequent and substantial presence, when they regularly travel within the EU. Therefore, Europa Network reserves the right to be able to apply the “fair usage policy” described in the European Roaming Regulation if, based on the control mechanisms relying on the objective indicators described above, inappropriate, abusive or fraudulent use of the Roaming Service by the customer is detected.
The “fair use” policy is intended to prevent the roaming customer from abusive or anomalous use of Roaming Services provided in Zone 1 or EU Zone. Such use shall be deemed to exceed the “fair use policy”:
- The predominant presence and consumption in EU and EEA while roaming by the customer compared to national presence and traffic.
- Long inactivity of SIM card associated with widely usage while roaming.
- The sequential acquisition and use of multiple SIMs by the same customer while roaming.
- Organised resale of Europa Network SIM cards. Pursuant to the provisions of the European Union Roaming Regulation, if inappropriate, abusive or fraudulent use is detected, a surcharge may be applied for traffic carried out in Roaming Zone 1 or EU Zone, or any other actions that may be applicable in the event of any of the cases set out in the following paragraph and applying the control mechanisms based on the objective indicators described.
1º. Proof of residence in Spain:
Europa Network reserves the right to ask its roaming customers for proof of the customer’s habitual residence in Spain or other stable ties that imply a frequent and substantial presence in the national territory.
2º. Open data packages and prepaid tariffs:
reserves the right to apply, upon prior notification, such surcharge, if any, as may be indicated (and which may not exceed the current wholesale price) for Roaming data traffic within Zone 1 or EU Zone that exceeds the data volumes that may be consumed while Roaming in accordance with the limit set out in the European Union Roaming Regulation (EU Implementing Regulation 2016/2286). This limit shall correspond to at least twice the data volume obtained by dividing the price of the contracted tariff (excluding VAT) by the wholesale price – €2,00/GB for the 2022 – of Roaming under the terms set out in Regulation implementing Regulation EU 2016/2286).
3º. Presence and/or consumption indicator:
Europa Network will use fair, reasonable and proportionate mechanisms based on objective indicators to determine whether customers’ EU and EEA roaming consumption prevails over national traffic. These presence and consumption indicators shall be analysed cumulatively over 4-month observation periods. In the event that Europa Network detects a prevalent presence and use of one or more of the Services (voice, SMS or data) by the customer in Zone 1 or EU Zone over national traffic, the Europa Network may notify the customer that the use of its Roaming Service is considered abusive. The giving of such notification will mean that Europa Network may apply the indicated surcharge from that moment onwards, if, within the next 14 days, the customer’s behaviour continues to indicate presence and prevalent consumption in Zone 1 or EU Zone.
Europa Network may continue to apply the indicated surcharge to the Service for which abusive use is detected as long as the customer’s behaviour indicates prevalent presence and consumption.
For the purposes of the application of the aforementioned objective indicators:
– In the presence indicator, all days on which the customer is connected to the national network as well as days on which the customer is connected to a network outside the EU/EEA shall be counted as days of a customer’s national presence. Days when the terminal is switched off shall be considered as days without connection and shall not count towards this indicator. A stay of more than 50% of the days when roaming in the EU/EEA shall be considered as prevailing presence.
– The consumption indicator shall consider as prevailing consumption the consumption of more than 50% of the customer’s actual voice, SMS or data traffic while roaming in the EU and EEA.
-Roaming services shall be provided under conditions of quality equally advantageous to the end customer as those offered in the home country, provided that the same generation of mobile communications networks and technology contracted by the customer is available on the visited network.
-In the event that it is not possible to roam at the same quality conditions as those available in the home country, Europa Network guarantees to offer the end customer the highest network quality level available on the visited network, taking into account the development of the generations and technologies offered on each of these networks.
-It should be noted that in certain regions the quality of service may be affected by reasons beyond the control of Europa Network, as well as by coverage problems, or by the technology of the terminal used by the end-customer.
-It is also informed, that certain additional services, such as value-added services, may lead to an increase in the applicable tariffs.
4º. Periods of inactivity:
Long periods of inactivity of a given SIM card in conjunction with a main, if not exclusive, use of the Roaming Service, or the sequential activation and use of multiple SIM cards by the same customer when Roaming, shall be considered as abusive or anomalous use of Roaming Services.
5º. Resale of SIM cards:
The resale of SIM cards to persons who do not actually reside or have stable ties in Spain, for the purpose of enabling the consumption of Roaming services provided by Europa Network at the domestic rate for purposes other than periodic travel, is in any case prohibited. In such a case, Europa Network may immediately take proportionate measures in order to ensure compliance with all the conditions of the contract.
Without prejudice to other legal actions provided by law, complaints about the functioning of the fair use policy or any other issue that may arise in relation to its application, may be addressed to Europa Network, to its Customer Service as indicated in the General Conditions of Service, within a period of one month from the time when the fact or cause for the complaint becomes known, without prejudice to those cases in which the current regulations establish other deadlines for this purpose.
- International rates include 3,000 national minutes and 1,000 international minutes.
- International destinations included (fixed and mobile) with international rates are: Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, Finland, Greece, France, Ireland, Iceland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, the United States, Canada, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Austria, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Russia, China, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Mexico, Panama, Portugal, Paraguay, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Slovenia, Israel, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Andorra, Costa Rica, Slovenia, Estonia, India, New Zealand, Peru, Dominican Republic, Singapore, Switzerland, Thailand, Uruguay, Venezuela and Morocco (fixed destinations only).
- BONO: You can add International minutes to your mobile package, simply contact our sales team. (100min/5€ inc IVA) (300min/12€ inc IVA).
You will be charged for any calls made to countries not listed above. If you use more international minutes than those assigned to your mobile package, the price of the call, and connection charge will be the standard of each destination. Please contact our customer support team for call rates.
Rates that include unlimited calls to national mobiles and landlines and certain international destinations are subject to a reasonable use policy. In particular, unlimited plans allow calling of a maximum of 120 different destinations in a month, not being able to exceed 10 times the average minute consumption of a customer in that period. If the service is used in a manner contrary to the applicable conditions, as well as especially in the case of illicit, fraudulent or abusive use, AHIMAS EUROPA NETWORK reserves the right to deactivate and suspend the service immediately.
Special Numbers Please be advised calls to special numbers will incur a fee. This includes numbers beginning with the following: 800, 803, 806, 807, 901, 902, and 905 numbers.Please contact our customer support team for more information.DATA RATES + MINUTES
By exceeding the total voice minutes included in the tariff, a calling fee of € 0.1815 (VAT included) will be applied, plus € 0.036 / minute (VAT included). The price of the SMS is € 0.0968 (VAT included). Additionally, rates include 1,000 free minutes in calls to other Ahimas Europa lines. After 1,000 minutes, the standard price per minute of the rate will be applied. Once the data navigation is exceeded, a speed reduction of 128Kb is applied until the end of the month.MOBILE SHARED TARIFF
Product with share data allowance and unlimited calls. Available only for new registrations and portabilities.SHARED DATA ALLOWANCE: A rate with 15, 21, 30, or 50GB of national data navigation and European Roaming, shared between a set of lines associated with the shared allowance package. Maximum of 3 associated lines. Navigation compatible with 4G navigation. Once the shared data allowance (i.e. 50GB) has been used, a speed drop of 128kbps is applied until the end of the month. For the use of this shared data allowance, mobile lines must be associated together when taken out.
Family data allowance may have individual profiles. By default all associated lines will have a MAXIMUM usage of 100% of the shared allowance. Other profiles available are:
• MEDIUM: up to 50% of the maxiumum bonus capacity per line.
• MINIMUM: up to 10% of the maxiumum bonus capacity per line.
In case a line consumes its individual limit, a speed drop of 128kbps will be applied to that individual line alone. The above profiles may be modified during the month, provided that the data allowance has not been fully consumed, in which case it will be necessary to wait for the following month to begin.
Ahimas TV service
This promotion offers free Ahimas TV (BASE package product / service), until September 30th, 2020. When a new client contracts Internet, Mobile and / or Convergence and obtains Free Ahí + TV, the distributor / POS will not commission the Free Packages offered to the client.Existentes Existing clients:
- Internet and Convergence Clients: All existing clients that have an Internet connection or a Convergent Rate, and are not enjoying Ahi + TV, will be able to enjoy the Ahi + TV Base Package for FREE until September.
- Mobile Customers: All existing customers who have only one mobile rate will be able to enjoy the Base Package there + FREE TV until September.
- Internet and Convergence Clients: New clients that contract an Internet connection or a Convergent Rate, will be able to enjoy the Ahi Base Package + FREE TV until September.
- Mobile Customers: New customers who hire only a mobile rate, will be able to enjoy the Base Package there + FREE TV until September.
New Clients:
- The Price of the installation of the service includes: installation and use of the wireless router and antenna. The equipment is owned by AE, in the moment of cancellation the equipment will have to be de-installed or the customer will be penalised
- If the customer lives in a building, they will need to have access to the community terrace or to be able to install it on their balcony, or they will need to have permission from the neighbour community.
- AE is not responsible for occasional loss of service if the causes are attributable to the customer.
UK TV app, Terms & Conditions
These Terms apply to our Ahimas Europa Network UK TV app service, which includes; on demand programme services. Your access and use of the UK TV app service constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions, which apply whether you downloaded the app, or are a registered user. Please read them carefully before you use the TV app. Upon downloading the app you automatically receive a 7 day free trial. Once the 7 day trial period has concluded, your TV service will cease. If you wish to continue use of our service, please contact us to reactivate your account – we charge a cost of 2.95 +IVA per month for the UK TV application service.Terms
- 1.1 Ahimas Europa Network reserves the right to change these Terms at any time by posting changes online. You are responsible for regularly reviewing information posted online to obtain timely notice of such changes. Your continued use of the UK TV app service after changes are posted constitutes your acceptance of these Terms, as modified from time to time by any posted changes. If you do not agree to the Terms, please refrain from using the TV application.
- 1.2 Your use of the TV application is also subject to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Notice, which contain information about how we use your data. Additional terms may apply.
- 1.3 These Terms apply regardless of the type of device you use to access the TV application, for example computer, laptop, mobile phone, smart phone, smart TV or tablet.
- 2.1 All rights, including without limitation, copyright, database rights and trade mark rights in the TV application and its contents, whether audio, text, images, video or any other form, are owned by or licensed to Ahi+Europa Network, or otherwise used by Ahi+Europa Network as permitted by applicable law. The Content is protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved to Ahi+Europa Network and/or our licensors.
- 2.2 You agree that you will access the TV application solely for your own private use and not for any commercial or public use. You agree that you may not copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, adapt, distribute, store in any medium, broadcast, transmit, re-transmit, modify, or show in public all or any part of the Content without the prior written permission of Ahi+Europa Network or in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Any use of the Content not expressly permitted by these Terms is prohibited unless authorised in writing by Ahi+Europa Network.
- 2.3 If you copy or download any content provided through our TV service in breach of these Terms, your right to use the TV application will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return or destroy any copies of the materials you have made.
- 3.1 In order to access certain features and enjoy the full benefit of what our TV application has to offer, you will need to register creating a user account, which will require you to submit some personal information. We take your privacy very seriously. Ahi+Europa Network will use the personal information you submit in the registration process and store company records. By using the TV application you acknowledge and confirm that you have had the opportunity to read the terms of our Privacy Policy and Cookie Notice.
- 3.2 You must be over the age of 16 to create an account with us. If you are under the age of 18 you must have a parent or guardian’s permission to use the TV application and your parent or guardian should be the one to register for our TV service.
- 3.3 We reserve the right at any time to suspend or terminate your Account with Us where We deem your use of the TV application breaches any of these Terms or our Privacy Policy or otherwise if the operation of the TV services are terminated and/or significantly change in nature.
- 3.4 You may terminate your account by contacting us at: +34 965 796 736
- 4.1 While we take every care to ensure that the service provided on the TV application is accurate and complete, some of it is supplied to Us by third parties and We are unable to check its accuracy or completeness.
- 4.2 Ahi+Europa Network does not warrant that the functions contained in the Content contained in this TV application will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that the service is free of viruses or bugs or represents the full functionality, accuracy, reliability of any or all of the Content.
- 4.3 In no event will Ahi+Europa Network be liable for any damages including, without limitation, indirect or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever arising from use or loss of use
summer offer – 2022
Special summer offer: Fibre 300Mb + 50GB for 34,80€/month forever.
Promotion valid for customers who sign up between 7 July and 31 August, 2022.
After 1 September, the price will be 39,80€/month
60gb extra – summer 2022
We give you an extra 20GB/month for 3 months for each individual line and an extra 10GB/month for 3 months for each shared line.
The extra GB are activated the month after contracting the package.
Promotion valid for customers who sign up between 1 July and 31 August, 2022.
50% off second mobile line – Feb 2022
Contract a mobile service with Europa Network before 28th February, and save 50% on you second line forever. 50% discount applies only to the second line. The second line must be equal to or less than the value of the first line contracted. This promotion applies only to individual mobile lines from 6,90€/month, and does NOT apply to shared tariffs or voice only rates. Both lines must be contracted by the same customer. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, discount or promotion, nor can the offer be shared between customers.Tariffs included in this offer:
10GB + UNLIMITED CALLS (National & Internat.) PROMO 50 CM1121
25GB + UNLIMITED CALLS (National & Internat.) PROMO 50 CM1121
50GB + UNLIMITED CALLS (National & Internat.) PROMO 50 CM1121
Claim 1 month free internet when you refer a friend. Maximum 3 referrals per customer. The referred friend must contract a Fibre optic service, before 1 month free internet can be claimed by the existing customer. Offer available for Europa Network fibre optic customers only.This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, discount or promotion, nor can the offer be shared between customers.REFER A FRIEND (MOBILE) NOVEMBER 2021
Claim 1 month free mobile service when you refer a friend. Maximum 3 referrals per customer. The referred friend must contract a Mobile service, before 1 month free mobile service can be claimed by the existing customer. Offer available for Europa Network mobile customers only. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer, discount or promotion, nor can the offer be shared between customers.SUMMER OFFER AUGUST 2021
In order to claim 100MB fibre + Landline for 24€ (19,83€+IVA), a mobile service must also be contracted from the following tariffs; 14GB, 23GB, 24GB shared, and 60GB shared. Package includes 12 months permanence for all services contracted. Cost of package includes; 24€/month for the fibre service, plus an additional monthly cost for the mobile rate selected. Offer valid to claim until 15/09/2021. Offer available to new customers only. Rate changes are not included in this offer.Summer mobile offers deducted up to 50%, and shared rates up to 25% for the first 3 months of service. After the 3 month period, the price will revert back to the original price without discount. Offer valid to claim until 15/09/2021. Offer available to new customers only. Rate changes are not included in this offer.
LA MAGNÍFICA 50GB promotion available from 27/05/2021 to 31/08/2021, exclusively for new registrations and portabilities. Not available for rate changes. Customers who contract this Rate + promotion in the promotional period will enjoy it forever.SENSATIONAL 100GB promotion available from 27/05/2021 to 31/08/2021 exclusively for new registrations and portabilities. Not available for rate changes towards SENSATIONAL 100GB. Customers who contract this Rate + promotion will enjoy the promoted price forever. Hiring after the promotion period will have a RRP of 29,90€/month.
SHARED 120GB promotion available from 27/05/2021 to 31/08/2021, exclusively for new registrations and portabilities. Not available for rate changes. Customers who contract this Rate + promotion will enjoy the promoted price forever.
All customers who have contracted a SHARED tariff of 48GB, 60GB or 80GB will receive an EXTRA 10GB for each line shared on the mobile rate. Special gift of 10GB extra (maximum 3 lines) valid from 15 June to 31 August 2021, for all existing shared mobile customers, excluding lines that are: SHARED Rate 36GB and SHARED Rate 24GB.EXTRA MOBILE DATA SUMMER 2021
Free extra 20GB/month for all existing AEN mobile customers. 20GB gift valid from 15 June to 31 August 2021, for all customers except lines that are; Bulk Rates, Fixed Wireless Rates, Shared Rates and Unlimited Voice Only.
FIBRE + LINE + MOBILE (February 2021)
Offer includes 12 months permanence for all Mobile, Line and Fibre services. All three services must be contracted together in order to claim this offer. Price may vary, subject to the geographical availability of Fibre Optic. General terms and conditions apply. Please contact us for full terms and conditions on this offer, and more information on our share mobile rates. Contact us customerservice@europa-network.com for offer end date.MOBILE OFFER (February 2021)
In order to claim this mobile offer, it is necessary to either be an existing Internet customer, or to contract a new internet service. Please contact us for full terms and conditions on the offer (+34) 965 796 736 or sales@europa-network.com6GB MOBILE DATA (summer 2020)
During the months of July, August, and September Ahimas Europa mobile customers receive an additional 2GB data to use each month. Only applicable to customers with an active mobile data package. Roaming conditions still apply. 2GB extra data can’t be exchanged, transferred, redeemed, replaced or refunded for cash.Extra Mobile data (May 2020)
5GB extra T&Cs: Clients receive 5GB data bonus during month of May [Does not include shared tariffs]. Promotion ends 31st May 2020. New clients 5GB extra for 3 months. 5GB extra will be applied during May and following 3 months (June, July, August). Promotion available to claim until May 31st 2020 [Does not include shared tariffs]. Upto 10GB Shared tariffs T&Cs: If you become a customer before May 31st you keep extra data on your tariff. Offer valid for existing customers and new clients who sign up before may 31st. Promotion only available for the month of May 2020. Extra data only during May 2020. Please visit contact us for further information on our T&CS.Black Friday (2020)
This offer includes 12 months permanency on all services included in the offer Package. Fixed line includes; Unlimited calls to national landlines, and 90mins to national mobiles. MAGSTB not included with Free IPTV service, but can be purchased for 69,95€+IVA. Cancellation before the 12 month contract has ended, will incur a termination fee. Please contact us for our full terms & conditions.HALLOWEEN (2020)
Offer valid to claim until 31st October 2020. This offer includes 12 months permanency for a Fibre Optic and Premium IPTV service. MAGSTB not included, sold separately for 69,95+IVA. Cancellation before the 12 month contract has ended, will incur a termination fee. It is not possible to cancel one of the two services (Fibre Optic / Premium IPTV), as the offer includes both. Therefore, should the client decide to cancel their service, both services will be terminated at the same time. Please contact us for our full terms & conditions.Black Friday (2019)
Upon signing up, the client commits to a 12 month contract with our company. Cancellation before the 12 month period has ended will incur a fee of the total remainder of the 12 months contract. Once the contract has ended, and been paid in full; the customer retains property of the MAGSTB, and obtains the option to suspend the IPTV service upon request. Offer valid until 6th December 2019. After this date, the offer is no longer available. Offer includes the following: Premium IPTV service, and Magstb box for 12,90€+IVA a month (15,61€ inc IVA). Postage and packaging is not included, and will be charged separately.Free data (July 2020)
GIGAS Extra FREE for 3 months (July, August and September).- All mobile rates contracted before 07/10/2020 will have FREE Extra 3GB during July, August and September, except the Unlimited 10GB rate and the 20GB unlimited rate.
- The Unlimited 10GB and Unlimited 20GB mobile rates will have an Extra 10GB Free during July, August and September.
- This promotion is not compatible with the Shared Mobile Rates and the Unlimited Voice Only Rate + 100MB.
- The GIGAS Extras will be automatically charged at the client’s rate.
- Promotion valid for 3 months (July, August and September)
We take the protection of your privacy seriously. This Privacy Policy explains what personal information we collect about you, how we use it and the steps that we take to ensure that it is kept secure.- 5.1 Our legal status under applicable data protection law is that of a “data controller” (meaning that we decide the purposes for which and the ways in which your personal information is collected and used) and in this capacity we will securely store and process your personal information.
- 5.2 The better we know you the better we can make UKTV’s digital products and services work for you and give you a more personalised experience. In addition to information that you provide to us (e.g. when registering an account or contacting us), we also collect information about your visits to and use of our TV application through the use of cookies
- 5.3 Like most companies, we also use cookies to collect some of this information. Please see our cookie policy for further information on how we and third parties use cookies to collect and process information about your use of our UK TV application
- 5.4 We will use your personal information when, it’s necessary to fulfill a contract with you: in particular, in providing and delivering the UK TV application. When it’s in our legitimate interests to do so and when these interests are not overridden by your data protection rights: in particular:⁃ facilitating the creation of, and securing users’, accounts on UKTV’s network;⁃ communicating with you;⁃ monitoring and improving our UKTV application and for statistics and analytics purposes, which may include analysing the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns;⁃ resolving disputes and/or troubleshooting problems;⁃ for system administration purposes (please note that the information used for these purposes is limited to statistical data about your browsing actions and patterns); and to help us personalise the services and communications you receive (including tailored advertising)
- 5.5 You should be aware that if we are requested by the police or any regulatory or government authority investigating suspected illegal activities to provide to them your personal information and/or information concerning your activities whilst visiting the site, we shall be entitled to do so.
- 5.6 We will retain your personal information, whether or not your account is active, for as long as we reasonably believe it necessary to fulfill our business purposes or to comply with applicable law, audit requirements, regulatory requests or orders from competent courts.
- 6.1 Some cookies are essential in order to enable use of our TV application. Without these cookies, services like enabling appropriate content based on your type of device cannot be provided. Typically, these would do things like enable mobile phone users to use the UKTV Digital Services or enable error reporting/debugging.
- 6.2 We also use cookies to change the way our UKTV Services behave or look in order to improve your experience. We use our own cookies and/or third party cookies to see how you use our UKTV Services, e.g. to track errors.
- 6.3 In order to place cookies on your device, we require your consent, which we will obtain when you first download our UK TV application. If you don’t want to allow cookies, refer to your browser settings.If you have any other questions, or queries please contact us at; +34 965 796 736

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